Usher in the New Year with Good Fortune, Good Health, Happiness & FNN BEVERAGES (Sarsi Zero, Orange Zero, 100PLUS, Ice Lemon Tea, Cherry, Chrysanthemum, Grape, Orange, Sarsi)

F&N Festive Beverage Packs
Newly Launched F&N Orange Zero & Sarsi Zero
Not Forgetting The 100 Plus Value Packs

F&N Sparkling Drinks
are a familiar sight during Chinese New Year celebrations. F&N drinks appeal to young and old alike with bright and effervescent drinks that add sparkles to this auspicious festive occasion. Vivid shades of red and yellow favoured as lucky colours that welcome a prosperous year, adorn the F&N Variety Pack. An intricate traditional artwork of a dog conveying the festive greetings of ‘旺旺来福’ on the vibrant pack rings in the Year of the Dog with good fortune and luck for one and all.

Among the traditional new year greetings, ‘身体健康’ is uttered frequently as it bears the heartwarming wish for the recipient to have good health in the year ahead. In line with these sincere greetings, F&N wishes everyone ‘幸福安康’ with the introduction of the F&N Healthier Choice Variety Pack, a selection of four beverages which have been certified Healthier Choice by the Health Promotion Board (HPB).

SEASONS Ice Lemon Tea Reduced Sugar and SEASONS White Chrysanthemum Tea Reduced Sugar are healthier, lower in sugar variants of the ever-popular flavours at festive celebrations, while the newly launched F&N Orange Zero and F&N Sarsi Zero provide the taste of nostalgia as the zero sugar options of the childhood favourites. 

100Plus Chinese New Year Auspicious Can Design

This year, 100PLUS also introduces the 100PLUS Value Pack with specially designed cans of 100PLUS in the auspicious colour of gold to bring good fortune () and happiness () to everyone’s celebrations! Stunning illustrations of the traditional Chinese lions accompany the artfully stylised forms of the Chinese characters, with the male lion bringing in good fortune, and his female counterpart ushering in happiness.

F&N Variety Pack
(24 cans of assorted flavours)
Recommended selling price (RSP): S$13.45
Limited edition F&N Healthier Choice Variety Pack
(24 cans of assorted flavours) 

Recommended selling price (RSP): S$13.45
100PLUS Value Pack
(24 cans of 100PLUS Original)

Recommended selling price (RSP): 

The newly launched F&N Orange Zero and F&N Sarsi Zero are also available at all leading supermarkets, hypermarkets and convenience stores at the recommended selling price of S$0.70 for 300ml cans, and S$3.25 for a cluster pack of 6 cans. This drinks are perfect for health conscious people like me (:

All of the above products have already been made available from January 2018 onwards at all major supermarkets and hypermarkets. 

For more information on F&N, please visit the following links:
