N.E.mation! 10 Awards Ceromony - The Champion Goes To NEtitanxII

N.E.mation! 10's Awards Ceromony
Results Outcome

N.E.mation! 10's Champion & Runner-Ups
Has Been Announced on 20th Feb 2016
Fully sponsored overseas trip to visit a renowned animation studio worth more than $20,000
The Champion Team is none other than the team I've been spending most of my journey throughout N.E.mation! 10 with. I'm so proud of them as their hard work and efforts were paid off, especially after consistently going that extra mile to stay back to complete their animation video.
They were always the last to leave the production studio at Nanyang Polytechnic. This is done so that they could perfect their production piece within that short span of three weeks.
Winning Team NEtitanxII
Beatty Secondary School
"Strength in Reflection"
Beatty Secondary School
"Strength in Reflection"
Attractive prizes worth more than S$6,000
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School
"Our Everyday Superheroes"
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School
"Our Everyday Superheroes"
Attractive prizes worth more than S$5,000
Team Spatium
Team Spatium
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School
"The Big Puzzle"
"The Big Puzzle"
N.E.mation! 10's Champion & Runner-Ups
Has Been Announced on 20th Feb 2016
N.E.mation! 10's Performance
Total Defence Song
There's A Part For Everyone
Performed & Sung By "QuickPick"
Performed & Sung By "QuickPick"
Guest of Honour
Mr Ong Ye Kung
Opening Address
Acting Minister For Education
(Higher Education and Skills)
(Higher Education and Skills)
Senior Minister of State for Defence
Mr Ong gave an amazing speech on his personal views for each individual teams.
Jeremy Yeo T.M.
Emcee For The Day
Emcee For The Day
Top 10 Teams
Eagerly Waiting For Their Results
Guest of Honour
Personally Congratulating Them With Their Individual Team Awards
Group Photo
A Photo To End Off The Awards Ceremony
C04 Duck Duck Glucose
It Was A Memorable Time With My 2nd Team
Best Social Media Award
Each Of Them Walked Away With An
Apple IPad Mini 4
I've never experienced such an amazing time with my teams even though it was just a short three weeks. I felt that they had really outdone themselves.
Duck Duck Glucose
Their Smiles & Puns Never Fail To Make Me Laugh
They showed me something that could never be learn from the books, which is the positivity and cheerful mindsets that they have shown consistently throughout this animation contest.
Their Smiles & Puns Never Fail To Make Me Laugh
They showed me something that could never be learn from the books, which is the positivity and cheerful mindsets that they have shown consistently throughout this animation contest.
5 Ambassadors For 10 Teams
All of Us Enjoyed Throughout
This N.E.mation! 10 Journey
Additional Resources on N.E.mation! 10
Competition Schedule
Judging Criteria
Rules & Regulations
Acting Minister For Education
Animation Studios
Awards Ceromony
Mr Ong Ye Kung
N.E.mation! 10
Senior Minister of State for Defence
USA Trip