N.E.mation! 10 Call For Entry - Stand A Chance To Win A Trip To Visit The Renowned Animation Studios In USA So Register Your Teams Today (Deadline For Story Submission Is On 16th August 2015)
N.E.mation! 10
You might be next to win a trip to USA!
N.E.mation! is back for the 10th season. Registration is now open and 3 simple steps are all it takes to kick start your journey that may win you and your team a trip to USA:
N.E.mation!'s Instagram
More Information About N.E.mation!
N.E.mation! is a digital animation competition organised by Nexus for youths to express their thoughts on Total Defence. With the completion of the 9th season in February this year, the competition has proven highly successful, with more than 13,250 students participating since its inception in 2007.
With training and guidance, students with no prior experience in animation have been able to produce clips of broadcast quality that are viewed by more than 1.3 million audiences on both television and in cinemas across the island. Some of these clips have gone on to win awards in prestigious international animation festivals.
N.E.mation! 10 IS BACK!
Do You Have What It Takes To Be The Next Champion?
For N.E.mation! 10, students are asked to use their creativity and share stories centered on the theme “Together We Keep Singapore Strong”. The animation clips produced by the top 10 finalist teams will be judged by a panel comprising industry professionals.
In addition, the public can show their support by voting for their three favourite clips come January 2016 via website (www.nemation.sg), Facebook or SMS. The winning team will win a coveted trip to visit Renowned Animation Studios in the USA!
N.E.mation! 10 – Call For Entry Video
N.E.mation! 9's Winners
That Visited The Renowned Animation Studios In The USA
The N.E.mation! 10 Call For Entry video features the last season champions’ trip to the USA where they visited renowned animation studios, landmarks and famous attractions.
Official Website
N.E.mation! 10 - A National Competition
Below are 3 Simple Steps You Need to do
Below are 3 Simple Steps You Need to do
N.E.mation! 9's Winners
You might be next to win a trip to USA!
1. Form a Team of 3 To 4 Students from your school.
N.E.mation! 8's Winners
USA Trip
USA Trip
2. Register online at
Choose From The Radio-Drop Menu
The School You Are Currently In
Hillgrove Secondary School
For Example I Chose My Previous Secondary School
Type In Team Name & Password
Key In Your Team Username & Password Too
Story Workshop Registration
Check The Bulletin-Box If You're Not Attending
Key In Team Leader's Particulars
Type In All The Particulars And Fill In The Survey
Submission Status
Remember To Submit Your Team's Story Ideas
3. Submit your Story Ideas on the theme
“Together We Keep Singapore Strong” by 16th August 2015.
N.E.mation! 10 Theme
Together We Keep Singapore Strong
“At the start of the next 50 years, it is a good time to reflect on and reaffirm the strength, values and beliefs that have brought Singapore this far and, more importantly, the values that reside within each and every Singaporean to take Singapore forward. Together, we will continue to play our part to keep Singapore strong.”
Don’t know how and where to start? No worries as we have prepared some resources to help you get your creative juices flowing to craft the winning story:
1. View the Online Story Workshop at

2. Schools To Register For Private Clinic Sessions via the Reply Form
2. Schools To Register For Private Clinic Sessions via the Reply Form
3. Register For Public Story Clinic Sessions When You Register For Your Team
NOTE : Deadline for Story Submission is on 16th August 2015.
The creative minds behind the 10 finalist clips will stand to win the following:
Fully sponsored overseas trip to visit a Reowned Animation Studio worth more than S$20,000
N.E.mation! 9
N.E.mation! 10's Champion & Runner-Ups
Will Be Announced in Feb 2016
Attractive prizes worth more than S$6,000
Attractive prizes worth more than S$5,000
(October/November 2015)
(October/November 2015)
Fully sponsored animation training worth more than S$600 per student.
Visit to a Local Animation Studio
Nation-wide Broadcasting of your Clips
Attractive prizes worth more than S$500 per student
A Unique Praxinoscope Trophy
(9th September - 11th September 2015)
(9th September - 11th September 2015)
Fully sponsored animation training worth more than S$250 per student.
Attractive prizes worth up to S$100 per student
(5th September 2015)
(5th September 2015)
Additional Resources on N.E.mation! 10
Competition Schedule
Judging Criteria
Rules & Regulations
Official Website & Social Media Channels
Call For Entry
How To
N.E.mation! 10
Story Submission
Win A Trip to USA