Museum of Horrors V : The Relic - 25% Discount When You Use “KAVIEL” as the Promotional Code & Stand A Chance To Win A 2D1N Staycation at Hotel Re! @ Pearl's Hill

Museum of Horrors V
For Every Ticket You Purchased
Here's What You'll Be Getting
An exclusive $188NETT Hotel Re! @ Pearl’s Hill discount Voucher
A $18 Hotel Re! @ Pearl’s Hill Re!fill Restaurant discount voucher
A $3 Tea Tozz @ *SCAPE cash voucher
15% Discount Voucher for Participating F&B outlets at *SCAPE!


Stand a chance to win a 2D1N Staycation
At Hotel Re! @ Pearl’s Hill,
(Worth up to $700)
Images Obtained From
Or At *SCAPE Ticketing Booth (L2/L4)
2 Orchard Link, #04-01,
Singapore 237978
Hotline: 6521 6565

Enter The Promotional Code: "KAVIEL"
*And You'll Be Entitled 25% off Standard Tickets Only*
Additional 10% Applies If You Share The Event
Discount For Museum of Horrors 2014
Enter The Above Promotional Code Today!
*And You'll Be Entitled 25% off Standard Tickets Only*
Additional 10% Applies If You Share The Event
Discount For Museum of Horrors 2014
Enter The Above Promotional Code Today!
Event Overview
Here's Whats Happening From 24th October to 2nd November 2014

For More Information on Museum Of Horrors V

Terms & Conditions
Admission into the venue may only be allowed upon the production of a valid ticket at the entrance. The right of admission is reserved by the organiser.
One ticket admits one (1) person only.
Children under the age of 12 will not be allowed to enter. Proper identification and a valid ticket is required for entry into the event.
Tickets are not exchangeable for cash.
Ticket holders should be aware that due to the nature of the event, the actors may make physical contact with them.
No reissuance or reimbursement for any lost or void ticket.
Due to flashing lights and smoke effects, the event is not suitable for epileptics, pregnant women and individuals with history of asthma or heart conditions.
The organiser may without refund or compensation, refuse admission to or expel any individual whose conduct (or that of any person under his/her supervision) is disorderly or disruptive, and/or where such individual breaches any of the terms stated within or cause discomfort or annoyance to other persons.
As a condition of entry, ticket holders agree to be submitted to searches of their bags and pockets for any prohibited items including (but not limited to) weapons, controlled, dangerous and illegal substances and recording devices.
Photography, audio, and/or video recording are not permitted in the event unless otherwise stated by the organiser. Ticket holders are also not permitted to bring torches, lasers or any other light sources into the event.
Food and beverages may not be brought into or consumed in the event venue, except where expressly permitted by the organiser.
The organiser may use ticket holder’s image or likeness in any live or recorded video display, photography or pictures.
The organiser, its appointed agents and employees shall not be liable for any death, personal injury, loss or damage to property however caused while in or in the vicinity of the event or subsequent to the actual event, nor are they liable for any complaints, claims, refunds or exchange for any reason including, without limitation, any cancellation or postponement.
This ticket may not, without the prior written consent of the organiser, be resold for commercial package or at a premium, nor may it be packaged or used for advertising, promotional or other commercial purposes. If a ticket is sold in breach of this condition, the bearer of the ticket may be refused admission.
The organiser reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.
Cheaper Tickets
Hotel Re!
How To Purchase Online
Museum of Horrors 2014
Museum of Horrors V
Pearl's Hill
Promo Code
The Relic
Ticket Prices
Win a 2D1N