N.E.mation! 9 - Top 100 Briefing @ NYP Auditorium on 6th September (Marks The Beginning Of The One Week Selection)

N.E.mation! 9
TOP 100 BRIEFING @ NYP Auditorium
N.E.mation! 9 Daily Highlights
Top 100 Briefing

NYP Auditorium
Top 100 Gathered Together at NYP Auditorium For The Briefing
Photo Booth
All 100 Teams Designed & Wrote Their Very Own Group's Theme On The Brown Board
All 100 Teams Designed & Wrote Their Very Own Group's Theme On The Brown Board
Professional Photographers
Then Help Them To Snap Their Very 1st Group Photo Together
Then Help Them To Snap Their Very 1st Group Photo Together
Top 100 Briefing's Itinerary
A Brief Introduction of The Programmes
A Brief Introduction of The Programmes
Animagine Production Team
Introduction of The Instructors & All The Important Crucial Members of Animagine
N.E.mation! 9
The Official Theme For N.E.mation! 9
The Official Theme For N.E.mation! 9
N.E.mation! 9
The Official Theme For N.E.mation! 9
The Official Theme For N.E.mation! 9
During this entire selection process, 100 teams will be competing with each other and the number of teams will be reduced as followed 100>40>20>10 over the different pitching allocated over the span of one week.
Top 100 Pitching
(Where the Top 40 will be selected)
8th Sept 2014 @ Nanyang Polytechnic
Top 40 Pitching
(Where the Top 20 will be selected)
9th Sept 2014 @ Nanyang Polytechnic
Top 20 Super Pitch
(Where the Top 10 will be selected)
13th Sept 2014 @ Nanyang Polytechnic
N.E.mation! 9
Views on The Entire Sharing Session
(Ms Ivy Singh)
Views on The Entire Sharing Session
(Ms Ivy Singh)
Throughout the entire sharing session, I felt that this was a great opportunity for the students to be exposed to different stories from different influencing speakers whereby their stories & experiences way surpasses that of what people would normally undergo.
Their experiences be it from the past or the present sums up to the knowledge that they gain that could be passed on to the younger generation. This would allow snippets of the past & individual efforts that were never told before would be able to be recognized by everyone.
It was an interesting sharing session whereby things that I personally never knew about like the efforts of Mr Sam Kang Li that touched the entire HDB Block that he was residing in, It was so touching that I was controlling my tears when he shared his video at his sharing session.
A Single Person's slight efforts can impact others in someways that no one could ever expect. Everyone little small things we do for someone, may not seem much to you but it means a whole lot to the person receiving it. This is what I realize that all 100 teams learnt from this sharing session.
Taken From : Our Prime Minister's Facebook
Lee Hsien Loong
Photo Caption From Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
Kang Li and his neighbours at their void deck, which is also the exhibition space for their "At Our Doorsteps" show. They are holding the prints that will be put up on a wall, a total of 37 of them. (Photo by Sam Meng Chong, Captions by Sam Kang Li) — with Kang Li.
I hope that all the readers out that would also understand what he was trying to show in the video. I hope the students can inculcate his ideas into their animations to touch the hearts of everyone nationwide to bring forth a movement to bring everyone together & socialize rather then just being neighbors that you never knew of but keeping the main theme in mind too.
She's a great influencer as well as an unique pioneer that is strong in her believes which I believe that the students need to have her similar strong trait of confidence in being able to present what they are trying to showcase without any fears.

Taken From : Our Prime Minister's Facebook
Lee Hsien Loong
Photo Caption From Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
Kang Li and his neighbours at their void deck, which is also the exhibition space for their "At Our Doorsteps" show. They are holding the prints that will be put up on a wall, a total of 37 of them. (Photo by Sam Meng Chong, Captions by Sam Kang Li) — with Kang Li.
I hope that all the readers out that would also understand what he was trying to show in the video. I hope the students can inculcate his ideas into their animations to touch the hearts of everyone nationwide to bring forth a movement to bring everyone together & socialize rather then just being neighbors that you never knew of but keeping the main theme in mind too.
My Favorite Speaker of The Day
By Ms Ivy Singh
As new students these days who have not explored most of the world yet, some never knew how fortunate they can be, and this speaker has proved everyone wrong with her confidence. Her confidence of herself & her straightforward attitude has made her happy throughout her entire journey in this world.She's a great influencer as well as an unique pioneer that is strong in her believes which I believe that the students need to have her similar strong trait of confidence in being able to present what they are trying to showcase without any fears.
Battle of Bukit Chandu
One of the videos shown at the briefing was the "Battle of Bukit Chandu" which was personally my first time watching such a patriotic video in which the Last Malay Regiment never betrayed Singapore despite the tortures that they had to endure.
Their determination was utmost commendable as the lack of ammos did not prevent them from fighting on but instead they fought on with their knifes where they died a honorable death. Even though they were hanged upside down on the tree, they never utter a word to betray their own country.
These are histories that could be inculcated into the animations of the different groups that are participating in the competition as we need to recognize the efforts of our ancestors & those who made a difference to our country.
Question & Answers Session
The Six Influential Speakers Are As Followed
Ms Ivy Singh
The Fortunate Singapore Pioneer
Mr Sam Kang Li
Multimedia Storyteller from Little Red Ants
Mr George Madhavan
Director of 3P Network Department, PUB
Mr Julian Goh
Director of Capability Development, Centre for Liveable Cities
Mr Bernard Miranda PPA(P) PBS
Director, National Maritime Operations Group
COL (Ret.) Andrew Chng Teow Hua BBM
Ex-Commissioner of SCDF
Interactive Sharing Session With
The Six Influential Speakers
All of them shared their interesting stories on their contribution to the country in different areas such as NEWater, SCDF Operations, Maritime Operations as well as our past & future of Singapore.
Which was relatively knowledgeable as It can boost the student's creativity by understanding more of the History of Singapore & how Singapore was built to the amazing country it currently is now.
Tea Break For Everyone
Catered Buffet Spread to Fill Our Stomachs
N.E.mation! 9 Central Idea – Because We Believe
“Singapore is what it is today because our pioneers believed in Singapore and were united by a determination to build a strong, secure and cohesive nation. As we mark Singapore’s 50th year, it is a good time to reflect on the values, principles and convictions that will continue to shape the nation and the home that we want for Singapore and our future generations.”
Please Visit The Official Site For More Information
(Extracted From N.E.mation! 9's Official Website)
Andrew Chng Teow Hua
At Our Doorsteps
Bernard Miranda
Bukit Chandu
George Madhavan
Ivy Singh
N.E.mation! 9
NYP Auditorium
Ramesh Muthusamy
Sam Kang Li
Top 100 Briefing