Nivea's Protect & Moisture & Protect & White Sunscreen that protects your skin from the Sun's Harmful Rays

Recently relaunched two of their sunscreens on 23rd July 2016

1. Protect & Moisture protects your skin from UVA and UVB and at the same time, hydrates it – cos the sun exposure causes skin to dry out. 

2. Protect & White keeps your skin from forming sun spots while lightening existing pigmentation.

Both sunscreen comes in 125ml and 50ml (travel size).

Smile & Look Here
Look At Me & Gerald Png Trying Out Nivea's Protect & Moisture Sunscreen

Do You Know How Much A Thin Layer of Sun-Screen
Can Aid In Protecting Your Skin?

The importance of sun protection for the body and face is sometimes not known to many. I've personally tested it out to check out how the sunscreen actually works and was shocked to see how dark I am under the Nivea's Ultra-Violet (UV) Lens. 

Moisturizing Care With UV Protection
#NIVEAsg #Smoothskinfeels
Compare The Difference Under The UV Lens

The darker the skin tone seen under the UV lens, the greater the amount of UV protection you are receiving. There is also a difference in the moisture levels of my skin after applying Nivea's Protect & Moisture. I've seen about a 10-20% increase in moisture level after applying the product on my skin.
