Top 20 Teams Were Selected at N.E.mation! 10's Top 40 Pitching Held on 08th September 2015 from 3pm till 5.30pm @ Nanyang Polytechnic

Top 40 Pitching

N.E.mation! 10
Top 40 Pitching Results
Top 20 Teams Were Selected

Focuses On The Perfect Cupcake
Focuses on "Social Defense"

It was a great interesting exposure at the Top 40 Pitching at Nanyang Polytechnic;I had the chance to catch a glimpse on how the Pitching was conducted.

This group was one of the three that I managed to take a peek at. Their basis on social defense shows a great importance of the different cultures and identity of people. Equality among races and religions are the utmost priority and the cakes is depicts perfectly that Singapore is the Perfect Cupcake: A cupcake that consists a perfectly mixed mixture of different kinds of ingredients.

Judges of Their Group
Asking Certain Questions & Giving Pointers

Even though they did not make it to the Top 20, I believe that they will succeed in their future endeavors.

Duck Vaders
Focuses on All Five Aspects of Total Defense

Their RAP was indeed amazing and they deserved to be one of the Top 20 Teams of N.E.mation! 10 this year.

Certain aspects that they have to improve on that was highlighted during the pitch was that the rap was a little off their desired focus. It sounded more towards "Military Defense" instead of "Total Defense". 

Moreover, the judges asked intuitive questions such as "If you were given more time, how will you work on the story?"

Their replies were that they will improve on the message that they were trying to deliver via the rap. They also mentioned that they would further develop their story line and make it more relatable to people.

Duck Vaders

Honestly speaking, their "RAP" was superbly interesting and unique. To me I personally feel that they're quite a strong team due to their unique choice of delivery. I believe that they might be able to compete among the Top 10 Finalist if they were to improve on certain loop holes that were mentioned by the judges

Judges @ One of Three Pitching Rooms
I Believe That They Enjoyed The RAP

Intense Top 40 Pitching
3 Pitching Rooms & 6 Different Judges
So The Results Are Out, What's Next?

Over the Next 2 Days, we have scheduled a series of workshops to:

1) Enrich the Top 20 Teams experience in animation;

2) Help the Top 20 teams further refine and improve their story in preparation for Saturday’s Top 20 SuperPitch where we will pick the Top 10 Teams of N.E.mation! 10.

Duck Duck Glucose
I'm A Personal Poem Fanatic
They Did A Great One!

Their focus was to provide advises for the viewers and to help change the negative traits of people for the better. They were trying to introduce the eye in a better perspective in the sense that every single part of the eye plays an important role and it signifies something of Singapore too.

Duck Duck Glucose

However, it was recommended by the judges that they should not focus on the "EyeLid" even though they meant it in a good way as it sounds exactly like "I-Lead" so that it encourages leadership. 

I'm glad that they managed to got into the Top 20 Teams too. For the other teams pitching for the Top 10 Finalist, I wish you all the best and hope that your hard work over the weeks will be paid off. Even if you didn't enter the Top 10 Finalist or you aren't the winner of the N.E.mation! 10, I believe that it's the experience and the knowledge that you gain that matters the most.
N.E.mation! 10
You might be next to win a trip to USA!

N.E.mation! is back for the 10th season. Registration is now open and 3 simple steps are all it takes to kick start your journey that may win you and your team a trip to USA:

N.E.mation!'s Instagram
More Information About N.E.mation!

N.E.mation! is a digital animation competition organised by Nexus for youths to express their thoughts on Total Defence. With the completion of the 9th season in February this year, the competition has proven highly successful, with more than 13,250 students participating since its inception in 2007. 

With training and guidance, students with no prior experience in animation have been able to produce clips of broadcast quality that are viewed by more than 1.3 million audiences on both television and in cinemas across the island. Some of these clips have gone on to win awards in prestigious international animation festivals.

N.E.mation! 10 IS BACK!
Do You Have What It Takes To Be The Next Champion?

For N.E.mation! 10, students are asked to use their creativity and share stories centered on the theme “Together We Keep Singapore Strong”. The animation clips produced by the top 10 finalist teams will be judged by a panel comprising industry professionals.

Official Website
N.E.mation! 9's Winners
You might be next to win a trip to USA!

N.E.mation! 8's Winners
USA Trip

N.E.mation! 10 Theme
Together We Keep Singapore Strong

“At the start of the next 50 years, it is a good time to reflect on and reaffirm the strength, values and beliefs that have brought Singapore this far and, more importantly, the values that reside within each and every Singaporean to take Singapore forward. Together, we will continue to play our part to keep Singapore strong.”

Don’t know how and where to start? No worries as we have prepared some resources to help you get your creative juices flowing to craft the winning story:

N.E.mation! 9's Finalists
Guest of Honor Mr Chan Chun Seng

The creative minds behind the 10 finalist clips will stand to win the following:

N.E.mation! 9
Previous Winners @ USA
Learning Journey To Usa

Fully sponsored overseas trip to visit a Reowned Animation Studio worth more than S$20,000

N.E.mation! 9
Who Will The Champion Be?

N.E.mation! 10's Champion & Runner-Ups
Will Be Announced in Feb 2016

Attractive prizes worth more than S$6,000

Attractive prizes worth more than S$5,000

(October/November 2015)

Fully sponsored animation training worth more than S$600 per student.

Visit to a Local Animation Studio

Nation-wide Broadcasting of your Clips

Attractive prizes worth more than S$500 per student

A Unique Praxinoscope Trophy

(9th September - 11th September 2015)
(DONE ✔)

Fully sponsored animation training worth more than S$250 per student.
Attractive prizes worth up to S$100 per student

(5th September 2015) 
Fully sponsored presentation skills workshop
(DONE ✔)
