Part Time Jobs in Singapore

Are You Still Playing DOTA Everyday?
Or Are You Looking At The Mirror
And Asking Yourself What Are You Doing With Your Life?

Photo Credits : Scribbledigit WordPress

Time To Reflect & Plan Ahead
It's Never Easy But It's Worth Trying
Here's A Quick Review On What I've Been Through

Photo Credits : NotNeurotic

Photo Credits : SmileUrl

In the past, I use to be the boy who would just stay idle around at home or would occupy myself by indulging myself in many different Television Series, Dramas and Japanese Animes. This was the life when I was in both my Primary & Secondary School.

Stuck & Bored at Home
Photo Credits: Shutterstock

Then things became too mundane and life became a little too boring at a point of my life. I simply had nothing much else to do and felt pretty much like a loner. I would always head back home directly after school. My Social Life was badly affected in the past.

Clubbing & Having Fun
Photo Credits : TotallyStockHolm

But as I advanced on with my journey in life, things became abit more interesting and my life moved on to a phase where social night life became a thing or two for me.

 Socializing & Enjoying At Drinking Events
Having Fun @ World of Diamonds

Parties were so fun that It became a weekly thing for me. It became so frequent that it came to a point when I just naturally had to get out of the house over the weekends.

Group Photo Taken Together With Blogger Friends
Having Fun @ World of Diamonds

Illumi Nation Party 2014
Enjoyed With William Tan, Maybelline, James Aw Yong

Stressed Over Education/Money/Problems
Photo Credits : CNN

As we grow older, we realize the importance of saving up. We must have the basic inflow of income in order to have proper spending capabilities. We have to limit ourselves on the amount so as to ensure that we always live within our means.

Socialize & Make New Friends

As I became sensible, I took up many Part Time Jobs during my holidays or whenever I had free time to earn some side cash so as to have the spending power to pamper and support myself.

However, Companies pay relatively low back then, but now it's easier to find higher paying Part Time Jobs In Singapore.

As compared to the past amount of $4.50 - $7.00 per hour ,the current rate of $8 - $10 per hour is way better as it makes a huge difference if you were to work for a long period of time.

Job Environment is Definitely Important

Looking Back at the past, It feels so nostalgic in the sense that out of all the past work experiences I've gotten, I believe working is definitely one of the best form of interaction one could ever get. 

Not only does it boost your knowledge bank but it allows you to socialize with people from different race and culture that you've never met before.

Making new friends along the way that might end up to be the closest friend that you've ever get. This is way better than staying at home without any purpose in life.

My 20th Birthday
A Surprise Party Planned By My Colleagues

It's never easy to juggle between School and Part Time Jobs For Students. However, It provides great exposure on top of the extra cash that you can get to support your own daily expenses, as there are certain skills that you can only learn when you are working hands-on in a job.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic
One Key Roadshow
Opportunity Given To Take An Amazing Shot With The Sam Willows

Moreover, you never know when you might get an opportunity to see interesting and popular musical artists or even famous Pop Stars.

Overall, I believe that we should be able to support ourselves independently by not relying on our parents too much. We could spend the free time wisely by working Part Time in any job that suits your preference.
