Internships in Singapore

Having Problems Finding An Internship?

As You Have Too Many Companies 
To Choose From?

Photo Credits : AlissaCaraFile

Internships in Singapore are never easy to find due to the large industry that one can choose from. 

You'll have to decide between companies by narrowing down the best few choices which provides you the job preference that's in line with the area of interest of your future endeavors.

Fear of Rejections
Due to Lack of Confidence

Photo Credits : TheWriteFreeLance

As from my Personal Point of View, there are certain personal characteristics that we must possess. We must definitely have full confidence in ourselves to portray a positive image in front of everyone as it is the utmost importance to be sure of what you are doing. This way, you are able to boost their confidence and their trust in you.

Moreover, I feel it is necessary that we should be well-prepared for what's to come whenever we decided on a final decision

Afraid You Will End Up Being A Water Boy
Afraid You Will Be Taken Advantage Of

Photo Credits : Compensation Cafe

There's simply no return in whatever we have decided as even though you may have failed to obtain whatever is it that you set out to get, you will accept the fate with no regrets. 

The reason being, you did your best by at least making the efforts to try out rather then giving up before even doing anything.

Afraid You'll End Up Overworking
Due To The Immense Workload Thrown To You

Everyone will end up being stress at some point of time but it is how we cope with the stress that makes us less miserable. If we stay positive despite whatever we're thrown at, nothing can stop us from pursuing whatever we have set out to do.

Dread & Sick of Work
Don't Fret As Things Have Changed!
Photo Credits : EFinancialCareers

Now a these days, companies are modernize and they usually provide lots of welfare to every employee to ensure that they are happy and 100% fit for work everyday by enforcing rest and balancing of work. This is enforced so as to ensure that you would not dread to come to work every single morning.

You May Think That Your Job Is Boring
Why Not Put More Passion To Make It More Interesting

Photo Credits : AlissaCaraFile
Done By: Doug Savage

Ask Yourself This
Are You Going To Enjoy What You Are About To Do?

Photo Credits : AlissaCaraFile

Don't Think Too Much
Just Search Internship Singapore Now

Photo Credits : CelebrateKids

Unpaid Internship

"The short answer is: it depends on if you’re getting paid. Unpaid internships are unlikely to help grads-to-be get a job."

Why bother about whether you'll be hired in a job after you've graduated after your Internship, just look forward and not probe on the possible outcomes but instead, let it come naturally to you. 

We work for the experiences, and its up to the relevant companies to decide whether you're suitable, if they think that you are incapable, then improve on it instead of being so negative about it.

So most importantly, just Stay Positive and everything will come naturally to you.
